Ketamine Infusion Aftercare: Answering all your questions
How long does Ketamine Infusion last? Can you work after Ketamine Infusion? What should I do the night before Ketamine Infusion?
In this article, we’ll be diving into all these questions and more. If you are looking for medically supervised and assisted psychedelic therapy in Philadelphia and have furher questions, contact us at Mindstream Medicine today.
First: what is ketamine infusion therapy? What is ketamine infusion therapy used for?
The medication works by stimulating the brain and creating new neural pathways that often leave patients feeling more open-minded, relaxed, and generally calm. This can help TRD, Treatment Resistant Depression, as well as anxiety and ptsd. To learn more about how it works, check out our blog posts comparing the differences between antidepressants and SSRIs.
Note that with psychedelic treatment, it’s imperative to have treatment in a medically assisted way, to ensure safety. If you’re in Philadelphia, looking for a ketamine clinic or psychedelic treatment center near you, do check out Mindstream Medicine, as you are guaranteed to be monitored throughout your session.
How long does Ketamine Infusion Last?
This depends on the amount of the psychedelic being administered as well as the frequency of your sessions. Typically one infusion session consists of administering a standard dose of between .5 to 2mh/kg over the course of approximately 45 minutes, but infusions can range from a quick 30 minute session to a longer session taking several hours.
A common follow up question: how long do the positive effects of ketamine last for?
In a study conducted by the National Library of Medicine in 2019, the antidepressant effects of the medication lasted for between 2 weeks to a month. Additionally, many patients also report significant improvements in anxiety, depression, panic attacks, and ptsd for up to 6 months and more.
What should I do the night before Ketamine Infusion?
Generally, your provider will tell you to fast to minimize potential nausea or vomiting. It is also advised not to consume any drugs or alcohol the day before treatment. Then finally, ensure you take time to relax and mentally prepare yourself for the procedure, as the more open-minded you are, the more you can feel the benefits from the experience. To learn more, check out our blog post on pre-infusion tips.
Can you work after ketamine infusion?
It is advised not to do heavy manual labor after an infusion treatment, but light desk work is completely fine. Also, be sure to have a ride to drive you home, as you may feel drowsy or dizzy. There are some things you can do beforehand and during the day of your treatment, like staying hydrated, that will minimize these effects. Ideally, you can take the day off to take in the experience mentally, emotionally, and physically. For more on what to do after treatment, check out our blog posts packed with tips.
Should I try Ketamine Infusion?
This is a great question, and it’s one to be discussed with your provider. Typically, people turn to psychedelic infusion therapy when they have treatment resistant depression, or persisting anxiety and ptsd. The psychedelic has also been shown to yield significant results in these cases. The Harvard Gazette reports that 55% of those who received the drug experienced sustained improvement in depressive symptoms.
While ketamine is still a newer treatment and does have some side effects, most notably nausea and drowsiness, they do wear off in a few hours. And overly, it is generally being increasingly recognized as a safe, more innovative psychedelic treatment option. If you are wondering if psychedelic infusion therapy is right for you, schedule an appointment at Mindstream Medicine ketamine clinic and psychedelic treatment center in Philadelphia to learn more.
- https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/mood-disorders/treatment-resistant-depression
- https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2023/05/ketamine-found-effective-in-treatment-resistant-depression/
- https://www.goodrx.com/conditions/depression/ketamine-side-effects
- https://www.lonestarinfusion.com/blog/sustaining-results-with-ketamine-treatments
- https://www.ketamineinfusionkansascity.com/can-you-work-after-ketamine-infusion/
- https://www.pain-spine.com/2022/11/09/ketamine-infusions-how-do-they-work-how-long-do-they-last/
- https://illinoispain.com/blog/how-long-does-ketamine-treatment-last/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6767816/
- https://blog.ketamineclinics.com/blog/how-long-does-ketamine-treatment-for-depression-last